Dedicated to embracing authenticity,
each piece of Hon’ne jewelry carries a message which imbues it with an inherent sense of uniqueness.

P e r A s p e r a A d A s t r a

Story Behind


There is a Latin saying: “per aspera ad astra” meaning “through adversity to the stars” or “through hardship to the stars”.

Whenever an obstacle seems to block the path forward, in reality it can teach quite a lot and lead you to a better result than you'd imagined.

While it doesn’t make going through tough times any easier, this idea does give us hope that through it all, we can rise higher than where we started.


Story Behind



There is a Latin saying: “per aspera ad astra” meaning “through adversity to the stars” or “through hardship to the stars”.

Whenever an obstacle seems to block the path forward, in reality it can teach quite a lot and lead you to a better result than you'd imagined.

While it doesn’t make going through tough times any easier, this idea does give us hope that through it all, we can rise higher than where we started.


Story Behind BECOMING


“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”

― Sophia Bush

You can be both soft and intense. Both vulnerable and strong. Both traditional and rebellious. There is infinite possibility inside of paradox and a universe of different perceptions. This is the messiness and beauty of life - We all possess many different facets. We are complicated creatures, and ultimately, balance can only come from understanding.

You are a soul here to live life fully and only when you start being kind to yourself can you start truly living the life you want and feeling the joy that comes with it. Embracing our inner flaws doesn’t mean we have our head in the clouds, just that we’re choosing to embrace every part…all our paradoxes. Always remember that you are enough. Embrace who you are now, and unlock the potential of who you can become.


F r a g m e n t s o f T i m e


Story Behind



“Some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity.” — Gilda Radner



K i z u n a { 絆 }


Story Behind KIZUNA


"Kizuna" is a Japanese word meaning bonds or connections.

Along the road of life, there will inevitably be both sunshine and rain. Oftentimes, there will be twists and turns, with mistakes to be made and lessons to be learned.

Although you may feel that no one can possibly understand your suffering, there are undoubtedly people that can relate to your experience. In fact, odds are that right now there are people going through the same thing you are going through.

You need not carry this burden alone. There are people who can help you weather this storm. Trust that every cloud has a silver lining, no matter how isolated you feel — always remember that you are not alone.



t h i s t o o , s h a l l p a s s .


Story Behind

"this too shall pass"


The phrase "this too shall pass" is said to have originated in ancient Persia, it means that all material conditions, whether good or bad, are transient.

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs where we may stumble and fall. Indeed, change can be considered as one of the only constants in life. In another way, nothing lasts forever, and everything whether good or bad will eventually pass. As such, we should not be afraid of change, but rather learn to embrace the uncertainty. The road may be longer than you expect, but perhaps the journey itself is in fact the destination.



A n e w

{Hon’ne X Tak Lee}


O n c e .

{Limited Edition Capsule Collection}


Story Behind ONCE


Inspired by Japanese proverb一期一会(Ichi-go ichi-e) - one opportunity, one encounter. Derived from Zen Buddhism concepts of existentialism, this term reminds us to embrace the beauty of transience. 

“Once” symbolizes the fleeting passage of time. Just as flowers bloom and wilt in each season, people too, drift in and out as we go through different stages in our lives. Not everything is meant to be long lasting, though memory stays. Always appreciate the present and treasure every moment, for it will never recur.



W h e n S p a r k s I g n i t e

"When there's gold, there's a story to be told."


Story Behind



Inspired by Kintsugi - the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold. Artisan jeweler Savia Chan brings this philosophy to artifact by blending ancient goldsmith techniques and contemporary design for her “When Sparks Ignite” jewelry collection.

The philosophy behind Kintsugi is to accentuate the breakage and celebrates its history by rendering the fault-lines with precious veins of gold without any attempt at concealment. Indeed, the process often makes the repaired piece even more beautiful than the original, revitalizing it with new life.

“When Sparks Ignite” signifies that out of the darkness there's hope. Carrie Fisher, who once said, "take your broken heart, make it into art." No one can be exempted from the storms of life, yet new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings and there are lessons we can only learn in the storm. Some changes are rough, but we will soon realize that empty space is being created in our life for something new to emerge.